Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Piano Guys

Ahh yes -- The Piano Guys. My family used to love them. I mean -- the music was unique, beautiful and interesting. The themes that the musicians would play would influence how the awesome videos were made. Our favorites are Bourne Vivaldi, Moonlight and O Fortuna Burana, which all still sound as amazing as the first time we heard them.

However, now, it seems like the Piano Guys are forgoing musical intuition and rather focusing on trying to expand their cultural horizons. The music somehow lost its uniqueness, at least in my opinion. It no longer moves the inner fibers of ones heart. Literally, one would feel his heartbeat accelerate while watching and listening to O Fortuna Burana. Now, one finds himself constantly checking how much time there is left in the video.

If you absolutely love the Piano Guys as the are right now, please do not be insulted by this post. I was just posting my opinion on the music of the piano/cello duo, music which I find was better in the past.

Here is the link to the Piano Guys Youtube channel: The Piano Guys Channel.
However, if this is your first time listening to the Piano Guys, I recommend listening to one of their older videos first. :)

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